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  • Daniel K, MSpCoach


If someone were to ask you how the first five months of 2021 have gone for you, what answer would you give? How would you describe in detail the start of this year to the person/people who have genuine concern for you and your wellbeing? I believe that one way in which this can be achieved is by essentially creating a ‘situation report’. This is something can be done as mental checklist, but I believe for it to be more meaningful, writing it down might be the better way to go.

You can start this report by looking at the goals that you set for yourself either at the start of this year or at the end of last year. Based off the goals that you set, how well have you been progressing with them? Have you been able to get outside of your comfort zone and achieve things that either inspire or drive you to improve? In the first half of this year, what hurdles have you faced? It could be an emotional, mental, financial, or even a physical (in the form of a plateau) setback. If you have overcome these setbacks, how did you do it? If you are yet to overcome them, how do you plan on overcoming them? What support systems do you have in place?

Have you achieved any goals, big or small? If so, have you acknowledged and celebrated these achievements? It is so important to celebrate the successes you have as this can provide motivation that can fuel you to keep going when things get tougher.

Sitting roughly in the middle of the year, now can be a great time to re-evaluate your goals, make any necessary changes and begin planning the second half of this year so that it is filled with purpose and mission. Ask yourself, from what I have achieved, and what I am yet to achieve, what is the next thing that I want to have accomplished by December (or sooner)? How will I go about achieving these goals? Who is on my team that I can rely on to help get me there? What are the things I need to ‘quit’ to achieve the goals for the second half of the year?

I sincerely hope the first part of this year has been a successful one for you, and more importantly that the rest of this year allows you to achieve the goals that you truly desire and are working towards. If it hasn’t felt like the most successful start to the year, you need not worry because there is still plenty of time for success to come.

Stay motivated, stay focussed and stay in touch with those people who are supporting you to help get you where you want to be. You never know just who may be inspired by you being you.



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