When I began to write this blog post, the fear and anxiety I was focussing on was around exercise and training. How entering a gym for some people can be quite a daunting process, hence they avoid it. How for some individuals trying a new exercise, or style of training, within their program can cause them to feel nervous. For some training on their own, not knowing where to begin and how to structure an effective program is a source of anxiety. I believe that these are all valid points that can cause exercise fear and anxiety. However, with these there are some steps that you can take to reduce the amount of stress and anxiety you may experience. These can include getting fit outside of the gym, finding an online resource or app to follow at your own pace, having a qualified trainer come to you in the comfort of your home, receiving one-on-one private training without the big gym set up, trusting the person you’ll be working with and ensuring that their skills, knowledge, and qualifications are up to date and that they can help you achieve your goals. If you do experience some anxiety or fear surrounding exercise, I believe the previously mentioned points are worth considering.
Given the current climate and situation that we are all facing, it is understandable that there will be overall increases in anxiety and stress with so much uncertainty around. I have heard in some conversations that exercise specifically can contribute to the spread of COVID-19. While this may be true in some instances with regards to where you’re exercising (big gyms with lax hygiene practices), continuing a similar exercise routine can provide a great mental escape while strengthening your body. If you are stuck at home and unable to do your regular exercise program and unsure of what exercises you can do, I have a handful of free and easy to access workout videos that can be done from home with little to no equipment.
As governments continue to put steps in place to reduce the risk of exposure and spread, following this advice can help individuals minimise their risk of exposure. Training in low-density areas, with a personal trainer or friend, and practicing social distancing are some things that each one of us can do.
During these times, you will need to be a little more vigilant in ensuring that as always, you use a towel while exercising and make use of hand sanitizer and wipes whilst training. Another area to keep in mind in keeping yourself healthy at this time is following the standard practices of good personal hygiene that should be the norm – washing your hands often, covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze and staying away from people if you’re feeling unwell.
Stay up to date with the necessary information from the following trusted sources:
If we each do our part, we will get through this time together. Remember to check in on those who may be doing it tough at this time, and to reach out and connect with others to try and share the burden.
Stay fit. Stay healthy. Stay connected.